What They’re Saying
It was so amazing to talk to the kids each day after camp. They were so enthusiastic about all the signs they were learning. It gave them an opportunity to teach me and we bonded over words for interests we share like playing soccer, eating pizza, or how to sign pig (my favorite animal). The kids were always so happy to discuss everything they learned and it was just a joy to see.
Mother of campers
I wanted to tell you how much my girls LOVED your ASL camp. They did a lot of camps this summer while I worked (clay, sports, surfing, nature, and art), and over the weekend while reflecting on our summer I asked what their favorite camp was. Both **** & ****** said ASL was by far their favorite camp they did. :) Anyway, I just wanted to pass along my gratitude that the girls got to spend the week with you and got excited about ASL-- we will look forward to participating again next summer hopefully!
Mother of two campers
Thanks again Michelle!  It was really nice getting the email updates after each day I didn’t get to see the camp first hand but both my parents had great things to say about it!
Mother of Camper
Camp is so fun. There are lots of arts and crafts and amazing things to learn. My favorite thing was to learn how to sign my name.
9 year old camper
Camp was great because it I learned over 300 signs and was also a great opportunity to learn more about deaf culture and how to speak a new language. Now I can even speak to my siblings in a different language. My favorite sign is dolphin. And the awards at the end of the week were a lot of fun too.
12 year old camper
The way sign language was taught was very understandable for all ages. Michelle was very helpful and taught in a way that was very educational, engaging and a lot of fun. We were never bored and always doing things that were interesting and fun.This is your Testimonial quote. Give your customers the stage to tell the world how great you are!